It falls on the windowsill

It falls on the windowsill, 2020, HD video, 4:03 minutes

A building, in its entirety, carries the remnants of past behaviour and the traces of life it once shaped and affected. Yet, the contextual relationship that it forges with its surroundings engenders an uplifting and current state to its existence. It tells the story of many common yet unique, pleasant yet disturbing, short-lived yet eternal lives. It cannot sense its own living existence. Any liveliness that it contains belongs to us, but the experience that it embodies does not belong to us. It can never be sure whether it has already fallen or is still in the process of falling. It cannot feel our gaze and touch, but neither does it need anyone’s gaze and touch.  My approach is an experiment on time. It does not have a specific destination, a concrete direction, or tangible meaning, but is simply a transcription of the journey “forward” in time. As time elapses, my emotions are gradually refined.
